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Luke's Poetry Haven​

     A cross road, another like so many he had left behind. Again a decision is required; again confusion his only companion. “Go left” says a voice in his head. “No! Go right” says another, this time from within him.


As he looks ahead the road seems less rocky, straighter, and a little less steep, for the little bit of it he can see. The future was always very nebulous and unsure. He never could see further that the fork in the road ahead. If only he had someone to help him decide. If only he knew what lay ahead. He has been alone for such a long time on this road, and decide he must. The only alternative would be to end it all there, and this is not a choice that is his to make.


A weary body, a worn out soul, makes it difficult to go on. A heart that has been his guiding light, yet has led him down the wrong path so many times, is now cold and unfeeling. A brain that has captured so much, fought so hard to remain within the limits of reality and sensibility, is now threatening to give up as well. Looking around him he decides to rest for a while.


Sitting down on a boulder on the road side he turns to look back as far as he can see, down the road of destiny that he has traveled thus far and all he sees are the choices he made, the wrong decisions, the failed attempts, the misery and heart ache he endured along the way. As he gazes at the sign post of the last crossroads, he sees something; something that brings him despair yet brings clarity to life as a whole.…    From the novel  "The Journey of Master Luke​"



Road Of Destiny


Uncertainty will prevail, sight does not unveil

Go on I must, if only in destiny to trust

Wishing a waste, failure leaves a bitter taste

So much had to give, nothing left to believe


Rest my weary bones, strength need to gain

Ponder on my future, direction a choise again

Be it left or right or follow the shining light

Or stay here until my heart ends its plight


I look back at the road I travel

Lost opportunities I see unravel

Hills of torment and valleys of content

Rivers of tears and banks of repent.


Long I have traveled a road so twisted

Little to show, only feet so blistered

The warmth of moments spent in passion

Not forgotten, yet too far for an impression


The trees sway, for brief moment it’s as if

Friends left behind, wishing me well in joint belief

But then the truth obscures the view

They no longer there, own roads pursue


“Look ahead” a voice within me shouts

Turning I see choices all filled with doubts

A little more rest, a little longer I plead

Soul is tired, no more tears, eyes now bleed.


The end is near, the road now straight

Regrets a thousand, but too little too late

Opened many a window overlooked many a door

Destiny a road to one place, the end so sure.


© Vic

Poetry that comes from our

hearts will be never-ending

"Poetry, the essence of life put to words."
That I believe. It is different for everyone and poetry varies for person to person. To say that you cannot write poetry to say you don’t listen to your heart.
At the top of the page click on “Menu” and browse the poems that I have written up till now. Click on the poem you would like to read and the page will open up in front of you. The music may be switched off by clicking on the music button in the pages. Welcome,  enjoy and give me some feedback in the contact page.
Even though you may not post on this website you may send me a poem to have me place on here. Your work will be accompanied with your name so everyone knows that it is yours. Or, you may go to the right-hand side of the page and click on the “Criate a WIX site” logo to open your very own website. Don’t worry, I have read all sorts of poetry and some, I will be honest, makes no sense at all but then who am I to say it is not poetry.
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