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What I got


What I feel and what I got

Is all the same though I think not

Realizing the fact that I think a lot

Puts me there right on the spot


What I think and what I feel

A wound it causes that will not heal

A moment spent or that I steal

Though pleasure fleeting it is not real


What I feel and what I know

Pain does bring and discomfort show

As pressure in my mind does grow

Feelings that with time will blow


What I know and what I see

Not all in life is filled with glee

As young lovers carve to mark a tree

And hope that two will soon make three


What I see and what I take

Is defiantly not make no mistake

As others well being is at stake

Or the heart of one would break


What I take and what I get

Not the same in that I bet

Luck is fleeting or life is set

No hope there is even on the net


What I get and what I got

Well, there is not a hell of a lot

When a circle becomes a dot

Let it be or let it rot


Vic © 2015


The ails of life


Life is hard and oh so short

As time goes by all seems naught

Like sand in an hourglass, a steady flow

As it all comes to an end painfully slow


True it is that some have less

And go on they do and see the best

But what part of mortality don’t they get

When all is in vain for the end is set


Pills that relieve the pressure, pills for the heart

Pills make brain fresher; yes one for a quick start

A needle in the morning, another in the evening

To drive away the sugar, and this after eating


Ailments there are many of which I must endure

It all turns my stomach, a pill for that, for sure

A drug addict I am but never get to plea

But sentenced I be, to a life of pain and misery


I ask this of you in all honesty

Is prolonging a life a novelty

Is it worth the fight and pain?

Even when the end will not refrain


The pleasures of life are deprived me

Abstain or a corps I will come to be

It seems a death sentence I was given

With no chance of being forgiven


© Vic 2015


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