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Looking down from mountain high

As if life from the base would spy

A tender breeze I feel on me face

My life’s is told with torment and grace


At the foot of the mountain my life began

Humble begging’s with hope I ran

As the climb became more steep

So would the hardships I would reap


The trail grew steeper as onward went

It grew complicated as hurdles was sent

Turmoil of being young apposed my dreams

Tally it would not as I downed out the screams


Moment of harmony and glorious splendor

When life gave all in sweet surrender

But they were all short lived and cruel

Making it the exception and not the rule


Now I reflect on life and ponder

Is it all worth it I now wonder?

I feel the pain and in agony I cry

Is it not better to let go and die


“To be or not to be” asked of someone old

When life to him a reality so very cold

Was he wrong to contemplate a bleak choice?

As seemed lost without hope, nothing to rejoice


© Vic 06/2015

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