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A Travelers Tale

Born into a world where all is possible
With all its joys and beauty imaginable
Not all get what life has to offer
Some get a lot while others only suffer

This trustful traveler with little was born
And as he grew, little he got but scorn
 Parents that struggled to make ends meet
And little time for affection or well treat.

When from the nest he found his freedom
Not much would change or his luck redeem
As like so many his heart would decide
To bring him pain, leaving him empty inside.

For many a long year he felt the pain
Every night and day, through sun and rain
Even though despair he tried to refrain
Nightmares would make him feel insane.

Why do some allow love to control?
The way they think, their hearts and soul
Their brain tells them right from the start
“It will never work, we are worlds apart.”

But so it was for him not long ago
He allowed someone close and feeling show
Deceit it seems an easy a way of being
Done without thought or even caring.

Now more lost he found himself each day
Lives with the past, feels pain along the way
Not long ago he thought he had it all
Now he finds himself lost, feeling small.

But go on living he must for life’s sake
For stopping now is a choice not his to make
As life is given, live we must at all cost
By giving into defeat, all efforts are lost.

Maybe that is all life is meant to be
For as I travel the road, all I see
Are two kinds of travelers along the way
Some who give all and never sway
And others who receive with all content
While giving back is never their intent.

There is one thing that makes us the same
At times the bad that comes, we are to blame
For only we, our lives can control
While other only come along to play the role.

There is one thing I will always believe
No mater if it is that we give or receive
As life on the outside is filled with glee
Life on the inside is what we make it to be
But life without love for everyone, big and small
Is a life of darkness or no life at all.

Vic… © 2005 / 08 / 21


I will not forget the day so wonderful
When first I heard your voice so beautiful
Longing for it each day dreaming of it every night
Wondering if I had lost my mind, felt not right

But as time when by longing in my heart grew
That I would love you forever I knew
But the comfort of your arms I longed for
To hold and love you was a need sure

Forget that wondrous day I sure will not
When the first sight of you I got
A feeling of dreaming wonder it felt
As your arms held me my hear did melt

Forever I will remember that night
When your love was shown with all its might
Surrender I did, body and soul
For the first time in years I felt whole

I need no reminder of that sad lonely day
When you returned to where you stay
Leaving me lost alone and unsure
Now loneliness and longing are here once more

Even though I hear you sweet voice on occasion
It does not replace the wonder of your passion
And as time goes by and I fight to control the pain
But when hearing you cry, the fight is in vain

As these words I know try to make rime
I know that all is now a mater of time
For not long do I have to wait, this I know
To again see the eyes that with love does glow

15 days is all that remains of our pain
15 days my love of sun and rain
15 days of longing and fearful plight
15 days before our souls once again unite

VICUS…24 /2001

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