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Enough, no more

She came to me one sunny season
Bringing into my life love, joy and reason
She filled my heart with hope and desire
So much unselfish caring, I even now admire

In blissful days and passionate nights
A dream it felt in star bound flight
Never wanting, never needing for more
But within her sweet body a beast did lore

A beast from hell, a beast to eyes unseen
Slowly turning her blood from red to green
I'll never forget, no mater how long I live or tried
When known, long in each other's arms we cried

There was not much that science could do
So within her the beast day by day grew
Not long I had, I tried to hide, but knew
Alone and lost without her, would be true

Before her soul The Lord came to take
I hear her voice still, "Promises you will, make no mistake"
"Promises you will love again and again if need be"
“And again find the love you see in  me”

"If you brake a promises now made, I swear"
"Your dreams I will hound, you nightmares share"

Cold was the night my angel left my side
The pain, the anger I felt, so hard to hide
Her loving voice, her tender smile was now cold
My eyes, her beauty and grace, no longer behold
Her sweet caress I would miss each day
Pain, despair and loneliness alone would stay

I ask The Lord, why did he take her
Why, no longer does she my bed stir
Now there is no hope, I see no tomorrow
I see no need to prolong this pain and sorrow

She made me promises I've tried my best
I must stop the torment, I need to rest
I am too week, the pain too great to pass the test

Cannot go on without her love and sweet caress

May you, my love, understand my coward's way
All I ask is forgiveness, if that I may
Without you, there is no life for me
I hope that beyond I but once allowed to see
Your loving smile, your eyes so blue
That I may hear you say once more, "I love you"

© Victor 07 / 1982

Four Seasons Of Love

We are put on this earth for a number of reasons
And most go through life’s four seasons.
Into spring we go filled with hope and anticipation,
To find warmth, caring and dedication

As summer arrives love within our hearts grow.
Some give other receive, but we all show,
A need to love, a desire of loved to be.
For those less fortunate life brings on No. three

Autumn brings confusion and sometimes despair,
When finding that the fruit of love is no longer there.
As strong winds blow and life twists in longing pain,
Try to stand to withstand the force, for some, in vain.

As winter sets in and all hope is lost
Our hearts grow cold, turning to frost.
Many give in and allow winter to remain
May the Lord have mercy and ease their pain.

For those who find a chance of spring again.
May the Lord protect us, may we not love in vain

Victor 02/2002

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