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Gone are the days

So long ago it seems forever
I would laugh away the hours
The impossible, a simple endeavor
When life was fresh as April showers

Gone are the days my friend
I thought that life would never end
I’d play and sing, laugh and dance
What I would give for another chance

As I would dream away the hours
Imagining all that I would do
Though the dreams still have their powers
Chances are they’ll never come true

As the years came rushing by me
I lost the starry notions along the way
Life is seldom what we want it to be
And it last only but a night and a day

As I fade into memories past
Nothing seems the way it should be
The things I though would always last
Are the things I now don’t even see.

Gone are the days I know,
I had the chance to live and grow
Gone are the days the sun shone
Gone are the days, forever gone.

Victor  © 10.12.2006

Hopeless path

They tell me to be happy
With all I have begot
And yes if I do look at it
I do have a lot

But it is hard to ignore
What was lost along the way
Precious it was for sure
I wish they were here to stay

Love is all; around me
So much I almost drown
But the love I wish to see
Look upon me with a frown

As life goes on around me
And I try to live each day
Little hope I find to be
The only thing that will stay

What does one have to gain?
When effort is to no avail
The outcome too much strain
No wind to push the sail

I look towards the future
I see no road to follow
As all I get is torture
Within me all feels hollow

Alone I travel the highway
Of life fast moving lane
I hope and sure do pray
I am spared any further pain

I was born a lonely traveler
And it seems the only way
My footprints may others stir
But my heart will never sway

Be it I who chooses my fate
Or fate that is there to choose
No matter what you may state
I have little left to loose

I do not mean to torment
You or anyone with this
I hope your life is well spent
In health and joyful bliss

Victor  (all rights reserved) 23 / 12 / 2006

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