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How do I

How do I express what I feel?
How do I show what is real?
How do I with all this cope?
When distance robs me of all hope

How do you know with any certainty?
That I’m to give you all through eternity,
How do you know I even care?
When distant words are you have there

How does anyone put into words?
When some think love is for the birds
How do we ever hope to send?
Any comfort that pain would end

How can so many not even hesitate
Being far from the love of a soul mate
How do they live or even smile?
When all they get comes in a computer file

How do I live without your caress?
How do I avoid the pain and stress?
How do I prove the love I hold?
How much I wish with you to grow old

How do I know you love me too?
How do you feel when I talk to you?
What do you think the feeling will be?
When in my eyes true love you see.

How does a man who had no hope?
Now find himself lost beyond scope.
How does he understand or even try?
To stop the fears that make him cry

How does he even try to explain?
To those that now think him insane
How does he hide the joy he feels?
The moment his heart, a lady steals

How do I explain to you yet again?
That all these questions bring me pain
But my biggest question will always me
Kai my darling, “do you love me?”

Copywrite © Victor 08.2006

7 years

It was 7 years, not long ago
Not much time in the way things go
A day to remember that much is true
For 7 years I have been in love with you

There were times when I felt lost
And times it seemed too great a cost
But you never gave up, that is true
And that is why I am in love with you

I caused you pain, I showed you grief
I did bad things because of disbelief
Yet no matter how much I thought I knew
One thing is certain I am in love with you

I look back at the times I made you weep
I feel bad for having been such a creep
I wish I never had come close to hurting you
Because my angel I am so in love with you

How do I explain what I feel inside,
And the joy of having you at my side?
How do I thank the sunshine on the morning due?
How else do I explain the love I have for you?

I want you close but I need to understand
That life is not always joyful and grand
The pain and sorrow I feel is a lonely brew.
With only words to show that I am in love with you

I would walk a desert or swim a sea
Just to have you feel what I have in me
No more words I have left: nothing new
All that’s left is; “Kai, I am so in love with you!”

Copywrite © Victor 21 / 07 / 2007


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