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Happy Birthday

A birthday is not much in itself but a reminder that we are getting older, one of the reasons I hate them but it is also a time that many of us comemorate the birth of a life. In the past birthdays were many time forgoten by me and at times getting me into trouble. Now I dare not forget becouse I would hate for you to think that I do not thank the day you were born.

I got you a little gift, little it realy is for unfortunatly flowers without the loveing embrace of mother nature wither and die, the same way many of us would wither and die without the love of others. But the gift comes with everything I have to offer.

The red in the roses signify strength
In me it is the strength of my love for you
For you may God give you stength to live the bad times and to be strong in the times of the loss of a loved one

The yellow signifies wisdom
In me it is the understanding of how diffrent we both are
For you may God give you the wisdom to know right from wrong. The ever increasing  knowledge you need to live and work each day and the understanding of others falts that you may know how to deal with them

The green signifies life
For me without your love I would have no life
For you may God give you a long and healthy life filled with the love of those around you.

The white signifies purity
For me... It's the love I feel for you, pure and everlasting
For you... May you always be pure in thought, act and heart. May God show you the way to everlasting joy

May today be the day you find new hope
May today be a day to remember
May today be the bigining of a wonderful life
May today be only one in a million more filled with love, health, joy and wisdom. These are the wishes of a friend and I am sure many others too.

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