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Hidden beast

I ask myself what lies inside
Is it a beast, one I must hide
The act performed fast and ready
I could not stop or hold it steady


Long have I been shamefully pounded
Never displeasure had I  sounded
Now because of  simple maiden pride
The beast no longer did run and hide

The valley where this beast does roam
A dark and displeasing dreary dome
For days now I live in its clawy clasp
And  insanity there within my grasp

What it did was not commended
May have diverted struggle, pain ended
But who am I to become the beast
As hatred I have of it to say the least

I jumped in blindly to save a soul
Revenge uncalled for will take its toll
Who I am is not someone I know
For this violent act this does show

I may be free from duty due
Necessary to some this may be true
But what lies out there  in store for me
Hurtful discontent and lasting misery?

Victor © 1975

I Feel Therefore I Am

I feel like a fool for saying it all
I feel so unworthy, so meek and so small
I feel an idiot for not seeing this before
I feel such a coward I know that for sure

I feel so much want for your love so true
I feel like a man for the love of you
I feel like a beggar for the need of love
I feel like a toad I wish I were a dove

I feel like a tree that with love I have grown
I feel so strong with the love you have shown
I feel like a prisoner not able to be
I feel like a judge, in judge of me

I feel I owe you all, and much, much more
I feel like a ship stranded at shore
I feel so much pain when you are not well
I feel so much love can't you now not tell

I feel so much want to be close to you
I feel so much loss, not being there, I do
I feel so much need I'm going insane
I feel you in my sleep; I call out your name

I feel, oh so sad, feel, oh so blue
I feel, that you do not feel my love for you


Victor © 21 / 2 / 2000




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