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Annabel no word replaced, be it right or not
But not long after she an answer got
The man no mercy had, did not forgive
So crying a lonely tear, love her did leave


It happened once or twice that she’d get
Word from him but bitterness had set
Now finding comfort in the words of another
In knowing, Spikes heart did shudder

But still there was a pain he could not cure
In the bed of another she lay, nothing would assure
Did she speak the truth, not that she had
Tormented his thoughts made him go mad

No wish to control her life, too far to see
Or judge her word, can love a motive be
Alas through turmoil he blindly forward went
Thanking God for comfort and love sent


As times in moments of love he did rejoice
Drowning his discomfort in her sweet voice
In time she will forget her past and decide
So in silence he suffered and his pain would hide

Annabel was disillusioned could she trust again
Pleasure sought but compassion refrain
Men are dogs she would say with a painful voice
Never trust a man again was her choice


So in long talks with spike she tried to hide
The distrust and pain, in silence she cried
Why did she no think twice before she lied?
To late, now a broken heart a blow to her pride

Meanwhile anger in Spike began to appear
Every word from her became a hurtful spear
Every thoughtful day and night brought a tear
For while longing for her there was a constant fear


“Is all I get my whole life through, pain?”
Happened not once but twice, now again?
With confusion set in he reviewed his plight
“Maybe it should end, put up no fight”

Putting pen to paper thought he the best way
If he were to tell her, what would he say?
With the letter sent torment within him rose
Without her the door to his heart would close

Annabel in disbelieve and anger read the letter
With each word written her heart grew bitter
“He is no better than the others, trust again, never!”
Through life alone I will stay, disillusioned forever

Spike wonders still, after all this time
What became of the angel that he met on line?
Time may be kind, but the pain still felt
What could have been had fate not delt

He sees her pass from time to time
When he does the pain does climb
So to an end comes this story told
Of two hearts never meant eachother to hold

Vic © 02 2001


The tail of two hearts will hereby be foretold
The story of love, sadness and joy it doest hold
Taken place in a continent of old
Where distance their lives would scold

Their meeting was by pure chance one night
While a kind word each sort far from sight
In a box words would appear so bright
Thus in each other found a need
To rid the pain that each other’s hearts did seed

At first the lad I will now call Spike
A lad with no luck in life or love alike
Never believing that he would ever have or hold
Love of a fair lady, thought in books alone told


While Annabel, the lady who’s heart was lost
In the love of another, and the company of one past
Thus asking that night what should she do?
When telling a lie to the love she felt true

As Spike pondered on what he knew was wrong
With compassion felt, he an answer had before long
“Tell him the truth, it is better that living a lie,
For if found out later his love will truly die.”

“If he loves you the way he says, he will understand,
If not why go on with a love that should be band”

Annabel thought long and hard about her plight
If she told him would he still love her was her fright

So although knowing she nothing did for a few days
“If I don’t tell him, he may not know, in love he stays”

But conscious and knowing right from wrong
She told her love she had sang a song

What heart had told her, or what she had thought
Was all in vain, she had a lesson taught
As within his silence her soul was torn apart
So in sorrow she wept holding a broken heart

Spike looked upon her with pity and anger of his own
Wishing right then his feelings could have shown
As he realised that his past no longer haunted him
As love in his hear for her would deem

He had once lost, thus thought never again
Let anyone in, from love and longing he would refrain
But she was, a sight so sweet, a love so strong
No mater what he thought, how could it be wrong

Not long after Annabel still living in dread
Asked Spike to write a letter for her instead
“Ask him for words that my hear may put to rest
Whether or not it must end,

I need to know what’s best”

Doing this was the hardest thing he had to do
For how could he write to someone he never knew
And realised the chance that she to him may return
But if he did not how could he ever her trust earn

With a heavy heart pen to paper was brought
Comfort none only pain with every word brought
Sadness and a lesson in modesty he had that day
For her happiness, a small price to pay

Handing her the letter he had but this to say,
“Leave it as it or change it you may
The choice is yours, feelings I will not sway
I will understand if you want me at bay”


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