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The tempest

As she walks towards the sunrise
My heart goes with her, no surprise
I know I will long for her each day
And hope that God with her will stay

Got up this morning feeling lost
Wondering how much this will cost
Will I get what my heart demands
Or is pain all that in my path stands

Storm approaches as I hear distant thunder
Do I embrace its furry, let it my life plunder
Do I seek shelter in the belief that it is only fear
That bring the sounds of the destruction I hear

Destruction it brings with all is fury
I am too late; I realize as I scurry
It will tear my body and soul apart
and what of this careless and foolish heart

The storm calms as the voice of love I hear
There was no danger, was never a need to fear
Now the words come from her like a thief
Not understanding my fear, she rages in disbelief

I plead for understanding and a chance
To explain that it was only my head in a trance.
My heart did not believe the storm would destroy
The love I have, the dreams or even the pure joy.

I am a fool there is no need to pretend
To my foolishness, I hope I see an end.
But I know very well and hope she does too,
What within my heart lurks a love pure and true.

The storm has left me bruised inside.
The confusion, I find hard to hide
A heart that is too week to withstand
A simple “no” when reaching a far off land

My angel, 8 days of turmoil I have seen
Not strong was I as I should have been
But something I have learned from all of this
I long for the day that I will find eternal bliss.

No matter what you may think,
Love I will no matter what.
Believe me if you wish,
Scold me if you must,
Love me I pray,
But never think I will walk away.

Victor © rights reserved 11/2006


What is love so many ask
Something that through time will last?
Is it just a misgiving or desire?
Or just talk so time will pass?

There are aspects most will find
That do not tally and do not bind
And no mater what most try to do
One thing is certain love is blind

No one can figure why some may give
While others are content to just receive
And in the process they forget to see
That pain is part of love I believe

When a beggar will be one for love
Yet a king will rule without the above
It makes no sense to this fool at heart
Why is it so, why push and shove?

Many may never understand or feel
That for which most would willingly kill
But what is love then if hate allows
 Our thoughts, hearts and actions reveal?

Well I for one, too often have tried
To understand the feeling that pried
Only to realize that there is no answer
And in knowing, the knowledge I hide.

Victor (all rights reserved) 02 / 06 / 2006

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