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My frozen heart, I do declare,
For what is left, so little there.
So cold, so lifeless as stone it is,
No joy, no smile of love sweet kiss.

Cold winter’s night my life had been.
No love, no joy, just hardship seen.
But in a flash of light so pure,
Did melt my heart with love’s sweet cure.

But as it came so quick it went.
I ask the lord. Why was it sent?
To show me pain, to show me grief?
To test me in my true belief?

I wonder why, I know not still.
But naught my empty heart does fill.
Joy I had and asked for naught,
As days went by in blissful thought.

To love and hold her was all I needed,
Thanked the Lord for what was seeded.

I thanked Him then, I do not now,
In disbelief, anger too some how.

I ask Thee all I ask Thee why
Was she taken? Why did she die?

My aching heart so cold does feel,
For loss of her and love so real.

For loss of hope, of loved to be.
In sleepless nights I cry for thee.

Within my sorrow one lonely night,
I heard a voice so far from sight.
With words so sweet yet tender bright,
The glimmer of hope my heart did invite.

I see her not, but feel her pain.
I invite her in, am I insane?
For her words I read your face I see.
Is it a sick twist of destiny?

Forgive me please, I beg of you.
Don’t judge me harsh for love so true.
Am I a fool to hold on though?
If I upset you please tell me so.

In sleepless wonder I hold on tight
I read those words, my love in sight.
I’m sick of pain and loneliness too,
That’s why I think I see in you,

The sweet caress, the love so strong,
But deep inside I know it’s wrong.

I must put end to this insane,
For if I don’t, I’ll cause you pain.
I thank you friend, I thank you true.
Forgive me please, I beg of you.

© Vic.......09/2000

Lovers Dream

A realm of wonder and strange things.
A place where gifts may be begotten.
As a trip may bring nostalgic things.
Or horrors of a time forgotten.

It is said that dreams are just playgrounds
For the mind to conjure our desires
But what of those with sweet sounds
That quenches thirst and future inspires

Be it reality or a dreaming trance,
Does it matter what it is really is?
Do I forget the sweetness of a dance?
That an aching soul does please.

In moment of leisure the tune is played
In unconscious rhythm the dance is shared
The stage is set, the musician paid
Harmony begot, to paradise am led

The dance may never become reality,
But then why fret or even cower.
Be it to have something in propriety,
Or reality, for the most part sour.

Never to behold in flesh and soul
Is accepted as a painful and lonely reality.
A desire to be more than a part of the whole

Will lurk in our hearts for all eternity.

As a dream may bring to life all desires
Fleeting passion or love’s truth foretold
What in a dream is conjured or transpires
Should be a gift for our hearts to hold

Victor © 05/2007

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