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A Lonely Star

In the vastness of space with countless stars
Shining bright thus sending warmth toward
The worlds it embraces with powerful bars
In loving harmony and mutual reward.

As the universe is endless, I believe there may be
Countless stars too many too see
As we gaze at the heavens trying to understand
We will never know for sure, the truth too grand

In the greatness of it all I get lost in thought

How many stars out there shine without aim
How many shine so bright but all for naught
And how does the star feel to give it all in vain

The distance too great for our minds to bear
For all we see and don’t and thus only imagine
There must be stars somewhere out there
That shine with all their might for no one to share

This may be true but them it may not
But the star in us shines, a fire so hot
And it is difficult not to see the warmth
Of a heart that loves with all it’s got

But like that star that burns to no avail
Sending out warmth till it grows pale
So a heart can shine with all its might
With no one to receive that love so bright

My heart did blaze a light so strong
But right from the beginning it all went wrong
The distance too great to share the glow
The light may shine but will anyone ever know

As darkness engulfs the warmth I send
The energy within my heart is coming to an end
As it fades and grows too dim to see
The warmth I once had will be just a memory

It was all in vane, a misguided thought
When loving someone with vast distance wrought
For even though my love may shine so bright
When the distance is traveled, there is no light

                                                                              Vic  01 / 2005

A flower sweet

A flower grows, spring shower flows
As her sweet sent, in sadness bent
In a garden of life, in soil of strife
With memories of past longing and torment

As I walk past her and see the sorrow
I whisper hope of a new tomorrow
No flower that such beauty does hold
Should bow to past wind, so frightfully cold

As her tale of sorrow she begins to unfold
Dewdrops fall, her tears I behold
And pain I feel as I see beauty stir
Not from the flower but the soul within her

As I walk away, my heart does twinge
And the knowledge makes my soul does cringe
For the beauty some flowers do depict
Is overlooked when we have them picked

I will never forget her tender beauty
That aches for caring and just serenity
I pray she is found by one who knows
The meaning of love and kindness shows

Dedicated to someone I have was honored to be called friend


Vic (C) 02 2008

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