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Me thinks it stinks

Me knows me thinks me thinks me knows
I have ten fingers and 10 big toes
It seems me knows and am correct me thinks
They are all clean but something, it stinks

Now most me thinks they believe they knows
That what they read the truth it shows
But me thinks they all have mixed instincts
What you see is not what it is me thinks

So me knows me thinks, me thinks me knows
That all is not what they, you and me shows
But if you find out what he or she thinks
Let me know so we can stop this, it stinks

Victor © 06/2006


Tender moment, a tender smile
Feeling strong, hearts beguile
Loving embrace, a life of bliss
This and more I surely miss

Passion raging with every touch
Aching need depending so much
Never wanting or needing more
Complete bliss it was for sure

All this I lost a while ago
Little have of it to show
Why did I allow it to fade?
What is left I would now trade

Oh mortal man of flesh and blood
Have all the traits of slimy mud
Feels so bad and hurts like hell
Strikes the soul too profound to tell

Would give it all and even more
If that I had, now that’s for sure
But life is not simple for those of us
Who go through life on the wrong bus

What makes it all worth the while?
When we go on running another mile
To find that the good only last a day
And what is left is hell to pay

Vic © 03 2013

N.E.T. Never Easily Trust

A world so vast yet made so small

By lengths of wire that link us all

No more long waits, not like before

To convey thought and much, much more

But like all else that man is capable

It will be used for things unspeakable

Many believe that distance is a wall

That will hide deceit, lies and all

There are those that constantly fight

For what is good and what is right

There are times when the war seems lost

When treachery and pain are pushed at all cost


A war with invisible friend and foe

Makes it hard to trust those we don’t know

Some will take words they think are right

And go ahead unaware to declare a fight

It is asked and a good question it is

Ask yourself the same if you please

Are we as willing to ask forgiveness, admit defeat?

As we are in believing lies and deceit?

Next time someone says “that person’s bad”

Be sympathetic but please don’t be “had”

It is easy to wear cloths of a sheep on the net

And believe me the wolves outnumber us, I’ll bet

© Vic 2007

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