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English please

Taught a language from very small
Learn to speak we do, one and all
Because we learn from very young
We easily learn our mother tongue

Even though many would rather
Not learn another, for it’s a bother
There is not much that they can do
But study hard and see it through

As I try my best to teach the course
As this upon me was also forced
I see the fear and discomfort too
In those that try to learn anew

Often when I hear from lass or lad
“My English is poor, my English is bad”
A smile does bring, sometimes a tear
For I understand and know the fear

A language could never be bought or sold
But riches brings to young and old
But in itself no wealth I see
So “poor” English will never be

There is good and bad in everyone
 At times use language to hurt someone
And though words may be happy or sad
I doubt they could ever be anything “bad”

So my student friends, this I say
Learn and use it every day
Make mistakes it is required
Learn with then and be inspired

Being shy of the unknown
Will hurt no one but you alone
So shyness I believe is nothing more
Than an obstacle, of that I am sure

And next time you don’t understand
When some one says ‘I’m about to land”
Don’t be shy to ask “please explain”
For I doubt they’ll argue or complain

For those who know and speak it well
Show patience, please do not yell
Give a hand and you’ll see in time
Like me they’ll learn to make it rhyme

You will find that when you give
A lot more in the end you will receive
And joy it will bring across the seas
When they learn to say, “English please.”

© …Victor… 05/2002


Mountains we Climb



A passing fancy, a fleeting lie

A means to an end, a heartfelt cry

A desire to have, what is to some

A dance bizarre to a beating drum


A long road traveled, an endless quest

To get somewhere we try our best

Along the way, many a lesson learned

With twist and turn, ones due earned


It should not surprise the faint of heart

There is little choice right from the start

Struggle we do up every mountain

Tumble down like water to a fountain


Knowing wrong does seldom mean

That right is next or solution seen

When the next mountain comes to sight

We climb again and endure the plight


This road we follow call it what you may

Wishing otherwise only brings dismay

Be it fate or destiny or something not

It starts the minute we leave our cot


Yet all the pain bestowed on some

Little does to deter the outcome

They see how hard it is to climb

Yet every mountain seems so sublime


Human it may be to want what's wrong.

Does the pain we get make us strong?

Love a myth or is it would seen?

To those who only follow the ravine?


© Victor 2010

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