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Mother Maria

Maria her name, though few called her that
Kind at heart and always ready for a chat
A hardened life she was forced to live
Yet she never gave up, all effort would give

A mother to four who never know strife
Even disrespected she was always a good wife.
Never allowing any disorder to betray
A heart of gold she held till her last day

As time went by and her young ones departed
In solitude she was left painfully broken hearted
Though her love was felt by those she bore
Being away from them hastened her end for sure

We look back at the times she would calmly say.
Be careful my child, the world is in disarray.
She knew how hard it is to survive without pain
And without her guidance we now search in vain

That painful day when she left us behind
A fate common to all jet so unkind
As we knelt at her grave our hearts now broken
All we could think of was of that not spoken

We had all the time in the world to disclose
Our love and admiration yet we chose
To wait and allow others to get in the way
Of telling her how we felt before that day.

My angel mother, please do forgive,
These who now find it hard to believe
May you be here to soften the blow
And give us guidance and help us grow

You are now with the angel up high, we know
As we go on in memory of you and show
To others what you taught us, love and respect
And may we never your tender kindness forget

Unsaid it was as you walked through the gate
But we do now in hope that it is not too late
As a mother you were all any child would need
And our love for you will never end. “God speed”

From her children: Victor, Deolinda, Jorge and Lucio
Her Grandchildren: Tina, Tania, Michel, Nicholas
In loving memory of Maria Faria Fiuza who walked though hell yet never gave up and always did her best for her family. May God bestow upon her his loving grace. May she rest in peace.
May she forever be our guiding angel

© Victor Jorge 08 2006



Missing Mom

Time is all some of us get
Time to remember, time to forget
But time is not always kind I see
When pain and longing is brought to me

A year ago, a day of reckoning
All joy taken with death beckoning
A day I lost my most precious gift
As a sweet mother heavenward would lift

She now knows peace and ultimate joy
And this should please this foolish boy
But I miss her smile and words of wisdom
I feel so alone, this world a prison

The guilt within me is still so strong
Been told by many I did nothing wrong
But how do I explain the emptiness I feel
When “I love you” these wounds would heal

A sad day it will always be
The day you left us for eternity
A triumph for death my enemy
The only sure truth in all humanity

Oh mother dearest, I lovingly plead
That in me you again plant the seed
Give the joy I once felt in your presence
Help me live life with honor and diligence

Here on earth you never forgot the days
Of our births, and others special in many ways
So with tears and hearts filled with adversity
We wish you a joyous first year in heaven anniversary


In honor of a mother who is dearly missed by those she gave life to.

Victor (copy write) 08 / 2007


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