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When she left me in silence and tears
Holding a broken heart throughout my years´
Cold grew my heart and colder my kiss
No hope of again havening that which I miss


Yet as fate would have it, or be I blessed
An angel I met, my heart she’d caress
You my angel I am fortunate to know
The joy you bring the love you show


It is hard to find the treasure you posses within
Soothed my pain, put end to the life I have seen
So Kai my angel, how do I ever explain?
The kindness you show, the warmth I gain

May you receive all that your heart desires
May the loving heart you posses never retire
For in my heat you will remain forever and a day
As I cherish you, a dear friend you will stay

As I hear your voice, sweet sound to my ear
Brings a long forgotten smile, you do my dear
So as I get to know you never knowing to well
And go on missing you too deeply to tell

For you kindness I have but on thing to say
May your heart be true, may it never stray
For if I was to meet you any time of the year
How would I greet you, with love and a tear

Vic © 2008

My Angel sweet


There was a time I roamed this place
Where nothing seems to be in God’s grace
The marvels of His Love are for all to see
Yet few will ever notice its divine beauty


It was not that I wished or liked it so
But hopelessness in me did each day grow
Was I to live my life without having,
The gift, pure as a song the angels sing

But was I wrong or am I blessed
A sweet angel came into my breast
She soothed my heart and made it whole
And gave pure joy to a once lost soul

She shows me heaven and sometimes hell
She makes me want the world to tell
She has within her the power of life
And I hope God will make her my wife

No matter how much I try in vane
Or think sometimes I am going insane
This feeling is pure as pure as can be
And I know I will have it for all eternity

She has the love for me, that’s true
A love strong, I never thought or knew
She longs for the day our souls will meet
And I can’t wait to feel her loving heat

I wish I had words to say or explain
What grows inside me, the joy and pain
The joy of the gift that she is giving
The pain that distance and time is bringing


The day I gaze into her angelic eyes
I will be lost in her love and sweet surprise
And Lord I pray for the strength to refrain
From what may bring her discomfort or pain


She is an angel pure of heart and soul
To cherish her love is my goal
And I will show her that there are some
That will not to evil or malice succumb

Within my heart rages a fire so strong
And deep within I know it’s not wrong
And no matter what the future may bring or say
I love you Kai, more each passing day

For the angel that has given my life true meaning

Victor © (all rights reserved) 08/08/2006

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