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Question of Love

What is love so many ask
Something that through time will last?
Is it just a misgiving or desire?
Or just talk so time will pass?

There are aspects most will find
That do not tally and do not bind
And no mater what most try to do
One thing is certain love is blind

No one can figure why some may give
While others are content to just receive
And in the process they forget to see
That pain is part of love I believe

When a beggar will be one for love
Yet a king will rule without the above
It makes no sense to this fool at heart
Why is it so, why push and shove?

Many may never understand or feel
That for which most would willingly kill
But what is love then if hate allows
Our thoughts and hearts and actions reveal?

Well I for one, too often have tried
To understand the feeling that pried
Only to realize that there is no answer
And in knowing, the knowledge I hide.

Victor (all rights reserved) 02 / 06 / 2006

Overpowering love

Sometimes the love I hold for you,
engulfs me like a flame.
The power is all consuming,
and I almost go insane.

Wanting to actually reach out,
And touch you skin to skin.
Am I going crazy, and are
my thoughts a sin?

The love I have within my heart,
is overpowering and causes pain.
All I know is this is real;
I'll never be the same.

You are deep within my core,
entrenched eternally.
And my soul is yours my love,
for the entire world to see.

Dixie Lynn ©


The love for another burning inside you,
Will seem to engulf you like a flame
And true love is all consuming.
But please don’t go insane.

True love will need to reach out,
And touch with tender skin
But its Gods gift to us my dear
How could it be a sin?

The love that comes from the heart
Will overpower and cause you pain.
And when we realize that it is real,
No one will ever be the same.

True love digs deep within our core.
Once entrenched will remain eternally
And when shared by two in love
The world will surely see.

Vic ©


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