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Shattered dreams

Dessert of nothing but hawing winds and biting sand
Thirst for something nonexistent, something grand
Something in plentiful supply yet difficult to attain
Bringing to some a terrible emptiness, mortal pain


A question is ask and the answer brings fear
Will this heart withstand the jolt, oh dear,
It has had its fair share of stabs in the past
This time it may not be strong enough to last

Foolishness comes easy when blinded by hope
Dreams allow the hangman to tighten the rope
Too late I realized it was wrong to even believe
That anything this good was ever mine to receive

Walls of doubt and possibilities, uncertain future
All caused this vast waste of despair and torture
I was left alone, believing that what we felt
Was strong enough to conquer any obstacle dealt

What burns within me is an all-consuming desire
It rages on with nothing to extinguish the fire
The fuel that fed it may be gone, no longer there
Too late, too far gone, destruction everywhere

Victor © 08/2006



A simple word that I have found
To mean a lot, when it goes around
It is true to some who understand
That life is not always joyful or grand

I sometimes wonder if we insist
On something that no longer exists
But truth be told it is God sent
Though few believe and rules are bent

To respect other, ourselves first we must
No part time thing, no boundaries I trust
For if just one condition is put in place
Then respect has no ground or solid base

But as life has taught a fool at heart
Respect no longer plays a part
For most receive it with open arms
But in returning it, they find its qualms

I was once taught that all we need
Is what we get from what we seed
And in the end it is true for sure
That in giving, we get a lot more

So even though to deaf ears I speak
I say but one thing for I am meek
Respect yourself that you must learn
 Respect others and you will respect earn

    © Victor 17.05.2002


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