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Silence a friend


It is sad but oh, so true,
Alone and lost feeling blue
No one to share, or confide
When knowing we must hide

To show our wounds big or small
In the hope to cure, any or all
When salt is rubbed to increase the pain
We wonder, is it worth it or all in vain

Alone and lost we feel at times
Those we trust read between the lines
Though we may not intend to harm
Within the storm there is no calm

Words are mere sounds or lines
Some send shivers down our spines
We soon realize the truth of life
Silence is pure, it brings no strife

No matter how much we wish it so
Many of us in time will know
We are born alone and alone will die
Why waste our time or even try.

© Victor 2006 / 04



It is sad when life so much has to give
But we through fear and confusion do not receive
It's joys, it's pleasures, most of all love true
That of a fellow man or women, our life through

I for one into torment and discomfort did somehow leap
Willingly or not I confusion and discomfort did reap
For as life little more than pain and loneliness had brought
I now so much love receive, my heart and mind do distort

The love of one would easily be welcomed by me
Gut what do I do with the love of two or even three
What am I to do, how do I my conscious thus mend
Who do I chose, please tell me dear friend

It all started with no intent, none that I can see
All I ever asked was respect, and a friend wished to be
Yet for some reason I know not why or how
They took me into their hear, loving me somehow

I find in them comfort, warmth and pleasure too
As I in thought of one or the other I spend my days through
With one, her warmth and laughter fill my days
Her good spirits and smile, the cold keeps away

When with two, strength and desire to love does give
A welcoming longing my heart and soul does receive
And when with three I pleasure and youth do attain
To give her all I find it hard to refrain

So in despair I wish I knew who to welcome inside
And if I do, how do I my discomfort hide
When all give so much to someone not well known
In hope of trust, devotion and love shown

What do I do, what do I say, I wish I knew
Again all I have is despair my life through
I ask thee friend. I beg, tell me please
What should I do, how to I my discomfort ease

For I must soon this aching torment end
I do not wish to go on not knowing, or pretend
To feel for one and then in the other see
Or hope in their hearts place where there none may be

What now my friend, what should I do
Do I end it all, give up or start anew
I am lost and through my own foolishness I know
I see that in a kind word not always does friendship show

As I through life go and constantly mistakes make
All I seen to find, every moment within my wake
So much want, so much confusion, so much at stake

© Vic 07.1999

Sweet Surrender

Loving arms, a warm kiss
A heart filled with love so tender
No choice I have but sweet surrender


Away from you, loneliness engulfs
This troubled heart that all does render
Yearning for your love and sweet surrender

If a wish I have, and only one
I wish for the love from you the sender
And internally cherish with sweet surrender

Give me jewels or give me powers,
Give me lustful pleasure in April showers
Give me all that yet in its entire splendor
Want nothing more than your love and sweet surrender.

Vic © 2007 / 03

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