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The cage

As I traveled the long and rocky road
I came upon a dove of beauty untold
And at once my heart came to desire
To have her body and soul in it’s entire


I did not think and suppose not even care
That in caging her would in the end bring despair
But I did so nevertheless that day
Only thought of myself, am ashamed to say

As time went by and my heart grew with love
Never content, always putting my self above
I found that her song was too strong to bear
Her soul I have but her body would never share

Being a fool is common to all, this I know
But there are times that we have to show
A little compassion and do what is right
Even though the truth may be far from sight

So it was with a painful heart and a little rage
That I did what I thought best I opened the cage
As I felt my heart grow cold, colder than stone
I left her side and traveled for a time alone

Three long years I believe have now passed
But be it that upon my heart a curse was cast
I have not yet forgotten or even come close to be
Away from the warmth and beauty she once gave me

Now I realize as her hear her sweet song once more
It was not she who was caged, it was me for sure
And no mater how far I traveled or even tried
Too small a space I had to run or even hide

She would not leave when I wished she had
I tried to let go but all I did was hurt her so bad
Now her song is filled with confusion and disarray
And I have no words to make it all go away

I want her free to roam the deep blue skies
But too long I held her to selfishly to realize
That we would both be trapped by bars eternal
To strong to brake too real to stop this pain infernal

Would I want her to leave my side or her heart sway?
No I don’t, I want it all and more what else can I say
It is not fair but what am I to say or even do
Except to say… I see no way out, no door, no way through

© Vic 07.2008

Quake of Sorrow


The earth shakes, sadness awake,

Thousands lost to a quake

Parents gone, children lost,

Many left to with heavy cost


Nature’s power, awesome and strong

Brings us gifts but also wrong

Horror brought from discontent

Man does harm, should soon repent.


Tears brings to young and old

Loss of loved ones a thousand fold

Abode gone too, furry of the land

Does not choose meek or grand


Millions share the pain begotten

Millions give from pockets bottom

So many try without needed rest

To find the lost, they try their best


Weak are we compared to all

On this planet we are so small

Yet in time of pain and need

We come together to love seed


All of those who are far away,

Never to know the pain of the day

But in spirit we all share the grief

North, south, east or west one belief


May those who lost, find peace of mind

May those with means always be kind

May all Chinese find hope in tomorrow

May love of man take away their sorrow


Victor © 05 / 2006


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