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The Challenge

I may be nothing if ragged
If my looks are in this added
Though my life may not be smooth
A loving hand would surely sooth

As the stars above shine mystically bright
Their beauty makes all wrongs seem right
But there are moments when all is dull
Longing and pain pierces a heart’s hull

There are those who are cruel and wicked
What they do leave us feeling cheated
But now and again we find someone kind
Who helps us leave the past behind

Life can be the  as dark as black
If we choose to stay on the beaten track
There is a much that is pure as white
To rich and poor a given birth right

We all have a good chance in life
Only we can combat the pain and strife
To all who live the end is death
Enjoy each and every single breath



Vic © 2008

​The Journey

A journey to determine, hoping to find
Answers to questions, to ease my mind
Hoping to end to the torment deep within
Putting end to the uncertainty I have seen

And off I set due south that day
With a fearful heart, praying along the way
That I was wrong about what I had thought
But memories of past, ill feelings brought


As I set foot in the land of mystery,
A feeling of doom set upon me.
How would I greet her, what would I say?
Would she be there to meet me that day?

As I entered the hall filled to capacity
I looked at the crowd, hoping to see,
The lady my heart had chosen not to let go
But naught I saw as I looked high and low

I turned and walked towards the exit door
That led to nowhere of that I was sure
It seemed to me I was right about her 
Deep in my heart a pain did lure

As I came to the exit now feeling empty,
Lost and alone without reason or destiny
I heard someone call me from behind,
Making my heart stop and eyes go blind

I stared at her for what seemed an eternity
Not able to move, blinded by her beauty
In silence we stood as if in a trance
To say or do something I saw no chance.

As I looked at her, something caught my eye
Tears rolled down her face, she started to cry.
“ I know I have wronged and in a bad way”
“I beg forgiveness” I heard her say

She may have wronged but so have I
To show no feeling would be a lie
I had no choice, my heart in control
As I held her close it filed my soul 

A love so strong, embedded too deep
Petty squabbles did disturb our sleep
When desire is great and need is strong
Giving it all up is needless and wrong

May not be heaven, or perfect as such
But to have her love I may not ask much
Not easy for her either, that much I know
Together we will fight, together we’ll grow

Victor © 03 / 2006

Then and now

Still are the waters that run deep
So are the good memories I keep
Still is the air before the storm
Still is my heart, nothing to warm

Long gone is the day I would dream
Gone they are like water in a stream
Gone is the love that once was pure
Now the pain I have to endure

Once there was peace and harmony
Now there is little more than agony
I ask myself, be it that I may
Why this heart does not sway

Gone are the days I’d skip and run
A warm smile was so much fun
The day I would love with all my might
Now seem so very far out of sight

A fleeting moment and chance I’d steal
A loving glance was all too real
What I thought would my future bare
Into weakness and solitude I now stare

Cold is the road I now must lead
Punished I am for every deed
Glory I found with every kiss
Now death it bring for I do miss

Vic © 2013

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