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Voice of an angel

Thoughts distant, a daze constant
Feelings deep, crescendo steep
Reality wrought had past brought
Now desire and longing my heart caught

Your angelic voice to me does bring
Soothing sensation like flowers in Spring
You take away my heartache and fear
Now joy, not pain brings on a tear

I hear your voice sweet and tender
My heart it traps in sweet surrender
Each word I get so angelic a sound
Sends me souring above the ground

A heart of pure gold, a radiant smile
Brings me strength to walk another mile
Who do I thanks for this gift divine
A gift beyond gifts, a gift benign

An angel you are to me so please
May that heart of yours never cease
May I  soon your tender eyes behold
And your heart possess till I grow old

As I listen to your loving voice so tender
No past malice or deceit do I remember
Little do I have in return to give
Just a heart full of love for as long as I live

Mere words I have to express my thoughts
Yet leaves me feeling ungrateful of sorts
You gave me more than riches and gold
You gave me life and again made me bold

Desire now  persistent, thoughts remain constant
My feelings grow deep, every heartbeat a leap
Reality still wrought, but in dreams am caught
Without  choice by the sound or an angel’s voice.

© Victor 2005


A longing heart I posses within
This I know, for long have seen
Ask as I may, sometimes wonder why
This I will have ‘till the day I die

When I first met you little did know

That love within me would thus grow

But not long after realize did I

That love you would I  ‘till the day I die

In wondrous moments did I surrender
To your loving voice so sweet, so tender
Forget it not even if I try
And will long for it ‘till the day I die

As it came to pass that dreadful day
When allowing another your heart to sway
A stabbing pain in my heart did pry
Yet I go on loving you ‘till the day I die

You ask forgiveness, but yourself do not
Another chance you will not give, I ask a lot
With hopeless thoughts my eyes do cry
For I will miss you ‘till the day I die

Each lonely day and night so long
I fill my dreams with love so strong
Only to awake and wish do I
To go on dreaming ‘till the day I die

Dreamer they call me, such may I be
For in my dreams you love none but me
A dreaming fool, I do not deny
In my dreams you'll love me ‘till the day I die

All I ask, I believe not much
Don’t treat me harsh or other such
Please don’t ask me to pretend or lie
You know I will love you ‘till the day I die

© Victor 2002

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