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What has this man to offer

In this world of coins and pleasure

Thought out life has searched in vane

To find a means to replace the pain


Toil hard he may, try to please he would

Bring to those he cares for, as he should

But success is a hard lady to please.

And too many times failure comes with ease


In love he seems to choose the wrong

While with one he holds a love so strong

She would not feel the way he does feel

Leaving him confused, the wound will not heal.


Now he sees a light shining from a heart pure

Brings the chance of joy, confusion does lure.

To chose he would without hesitation or thought

If he was sure that it would not be for naught.


He has little if anything to offer anymore.

Uncertain of his future, nothing seems sure

He finds it hard to give anyone a chance

Would never give anyone a song and dance.


Numbness has taken over, no desire to try

Go on living for life sake, no comfort as tears dry

Ending it, disappearing, the thought does pry

For is this life worth living or just a lie.


Victor © 2006

You are the one​


You are my strength when I feel week
You are my hope when life seems meek
You are the reason I hard do try 
Without your love my eyes do cry

You are the one I never thought I’d find
You are so warm, beautiful and kind
You are the reason I would never lie
When I bring you pain, my eyes do cry

You are the one that gives me life
You are the one I wish to call my wife
You are all I want and will all others deny
But in missing you my eyes do cry

God sent me an angel for me to love

Your radiant beauty comes from above
I will treasure your love until the day I die
But in moments without you , my eyes will cry

Victor © (all rights reserved) 01/08/2006


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