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My friend

You're a true friend, that I want you to know,
Our love for each other has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
But we've made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.


You helped me through anger, you’ve chased away fears.
You held me through sadness, and kissed away tears.
You stayed by my side when the world turned away.
You helped me see joy when the skies were all grey.

You were the rainbow at the end of the storm.
You help me be different when I shouldn't conform.
You held my hand when you knew we would fall.
Every heartache, you saw me through it all.

I ´m not sure I'm always the best friend to you,
I know I'm not perfect, but this much is true.
When life gets you down, And there's nowhere to turn,
I’ll help you through and I'll share your concern.

I'll try my best to return every favour,
When you're sure that you'll drown,
Then I'll be your lifesaver;
Even if we both go down.

Whether we sink or swim doesn't matter at all,
Just know that I'll be there whenever you call.
I'll pull you out when life pulls you under.
I'll be the sun when there's lightning and thunder.

And when it's all over, and we've fought every war,
There's one thing I promise, of this I am sure,
When the time comes that we’re put to our rest.
Be sure that you know that, my friend, you're the best

Vic © 2009

Dance of a poppy

A valley of flowers with tender glee
So much spender in all the variety
With poppies, daffodils and shooting star
Petunias, ironweed and others bizarre

Natures’ gift to all who care to see
And stop a while to take in its beauty
Life, like the meadow is rarely appreciated
And the beauty of life becomes outdated


Missed are the moments we have to cherish
Gone is the chance to let it flourish.
Deep are the wounds that are left behind
Deep is the sorrow that is so unkind

But do we change what we would be
Lost is the question put upon me
Though my heart feels the pain
Too late for remorse, there is no gain

Long I have pondered on life true meaning
Yet nothing found that would be redeeming
Like the flowers in the meadow gently sway
So our life are lived in rhythmic disarray

To and fro we hurriedly through life go
Failing the chance of happiness to know
What is life if we all miss the chance?
To appreciate the joy of a poppies dance

Vic © 03 2013

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