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Affection gone awry

Morning smile, a tender kiss
Savage heart so full of bliss
Words spoken, thoughts conveyed
Emotions raging, the soul is swayed

Long is the moment, passions fleeting
What is this if only feeling?
Does this heart know only joy?
When overcome by love’s unique ploy

A passionate heart, a tender smile
Loving moments that last a while
When I logic to all this apply
There’s only a heart gone awry

A curse with intent or simple fact
Does not make sense to be exact
It is hard to fathom or understand
Leaving me at your command

Spring showers of tender rain
Soft tears my eyes refrain
A yearning heart I now posses
Loving you with no regress

Unique splendor of a morning sky
The beauty of a flower that is shy
The songs a beautiful angel sings
To this mortal true sense brings

But in the madness of it all
Can’t help think it’s not worth the brawl
When in her tender embrace am caught
All else is gone, perfection is brought

Victor © 2013







A word twisted, a thought implied

A wrong choice when truth is denied

A chance taken or an action invoked
Sorrow is awakened, pain provoked 


Little does the act bring that’s good

Little accomplish, even less understood

When life so short is wasted on lies

Love is lost and confidence dies


This I see while going through life

What it brings leaves me lost with strife

Trusting someone with eyes closed

Rude awakening and wounds exposed


How someone says they care for you?

Yet believe you would think it true

How do they expect you there to be?

With nothing but lies, pain and misery


Gone is the hope of better days

Gone is the chance of loving praise

Left is the taste of bitter defeat

Lost and alone and in retreat



Vic 2014

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