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I climb the stairs to heaven

And find the trip is long

But knowing who will be there

Makes my legs tireless and strong


After a while upon arrival

Closed and lonley the gate I find

When asking the gatekeeper the reason

He says I need some peace of mind


The baggage within me I carry

Profound and craving is it's state

No matter how hard I try

The path I walk is not straight


After long contemplating

I realize that I was wrong

I was not helping anyone

With the pain I carried all along


Having left me by the way side

Was not her fault at all

It was her time I know

To go to the mighty ball


It saddens me yet I know

That her love she took with her

As I sit upon a boulder

A thought causes a sir


Her love she did not take

She left it all behind

Her carting arm don’t hold me

But her heart is still so kind






I sit upon a bolder

And ponder my sorrowful fate

Left to go on without a mother

I learned not to love but hate


Forgive me mom I beg you

Alas life is so unkind

So long have I disrespected you

With darkness I was blind


She did not want my sadness

The mother that was she

Joy of living she desired

For this son a life so free


Forgive me mom I beg you

The road that I would endure

And when I see you dear mother

May your arms this pain secure


I go again to the gate

Of pearly jewels so pure

And ask forgiveness for faulting

Be allowed her love to endure


Dear mother, without you my emptiness sees no limits.


Happy mother’s day


Vic  © 2014



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