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                    Angel of my dreams

Dreams are they say, good friends
I have come to know a truthful trend
I spend my nights with you and know
Your love is real thus mine does grow

I spend my days in constant dream
I let if flow like water in a steam
There are however the moments of pain
When in missing you I go insane

The distance great, the time so far
I wish the distance could be done by car
I miss to you so, had to describe or tell
The only thing I think of, is its pure hell

My love for you grows day by day
And takes a leap when “I love you” you say
Yet in all this, creeps in a painful thought
Your past the knowledge to me has brought

A hardened heart, a lady afraid to let go
So much love to give, yet scared to show
I came to understand and relies it too
The guilty one in no way can it be you

Life has its thorns, I have my share
My hope is that forgiveness you may come to bare
I am yet thankful you allow me such
You show me love you give me so much

I pray each day that in all my want
You will forgive my forward and egger front
If anything you wish as of me I beg
No mater what, or what it may shed

I rather suffer the thorn of humiliation
Than loose your smile, love or admiration
In your arms I wish to listen to your sweet voice
In doing so I would surrender without a choice

I love you so you know I do
You love me alike I know that’s true
I ask why The Lord has allowed for such
Two heart in need have to go through so much

As it is said, it may be right
The heart grow fondest when out of sight
Most of all the absence of loves sweet kiss
Makes it hard as day by day I more it miss

I don’t ask for much, I thing I sure do
Please give me stealth to last the year through
For what I see, I know and feel
That our first kiss our hearts will seal

Victor 04/2001


A being set out, many years have passed
In search of someone with love and caring vast,
That even eternity would not hinder or outlast,
A love strong yet gentle was all he asked.

Deep within burned a fire, intense and bright,
Sending out warmth both in width and height
One who would behold its shining light,

Caring warmth would get through darkest night.

The passion than rages within its heart,
Desire to be loved was there to start,
But fate would have it or have it not

Loneliness and longing has torn it apart.

A darkened soul now drifts through space,
Going who knows where, somewhere, no place.
Only sounds of silence it does now face,
Darkness and emptiness, its only embrace.

An empty vessel lost and adrift somewhere,
No reason to lead or follow no one to care.
The fuel it needs, a being of loving care.
Has heard the signals but no one there.

As the fire within seems to burn without ends,
And the warmth that is gives even now extends,
Through time and space and continually sends,
A message, a plea of what the heart intends.

Victor 2006.02 (all rights reserved)

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