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Many a dilemma is there to ponder

Many a thought is there to wonder

Many a feeling there to savor

In life’s long and bitter behavior


Those around us not always stay

To influence our lives’ or even sway

Some come along and leave a mark

Other’s bite is worse than their bark


Being blood does not always mean

That fairness and caring are always seen

Those that have nothing in common

Can be the ones to help your burden


A friend in need is what it is

There for you in joy and disease

Not for coin or even a promise

Of a lasting friendship without fuss


Many come and stick around

Just to say hi and stand their ground

Many are there and silent be

Until needs become a raging spree


A true friend is one who is there

To hold your hand and in all share

To comfort you when times are bad

And join you in a life of nomad


Life is hard as you will agree

But is it harder than those you see

That go on living through thick and thin

With painful horror, no joy within


To think that you have all the qualms

Is wrong and will not fill your arms

If your feet are too tightly sealed

Others shoes may in fact  worse yield


Love is everything life has to offer

A joyful tear, the heart an author

But it can be a long damnation

From those that give no inspiration


A mother's love is most divine

Timeless caring and heart benign

It is strong and never ending

From the grave it’s always calling


Life is cruel for the most part

It’s what makes us stand apart

But sad it is when we are alone

No one there in the twilight zone


    © Victor 2014


Joys of life


Morning sunshine and early breeze
A tender flower that feelings tease

A merry-go-round where children play

Laughter and joy the senses sway


A playful bird on a tree top stands

Merry music on an ear lands

A pure water stream that dribble on

Purity of life where the sun has shone


Feeling complete a tender kiss brings

From a child, or a love one, the heart sings

Joy brings the soothing sound

Of a melody played in sensor-round


A tear of joy a lost love carries

A firm embrace with all agrees

A deserving smile will all embrace

Truth be told with no disgrace


These are the joy this worldly realm

These are the things that overwhelm

The mind and body and even the soul

Making life complete, joyful and whole




    © Victor 2014


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