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The mysteries of life



There are things we do not fathom

The depth of space and what is quantum

But in time we will come to realize

Nothing is impossible, even if logic denies


Closer to home all have a tall story

Of how thing go and Oh My Glory

I saw a ghost, a phantom too

Wet my pants, what could I do


Death a mystery to me will be

Find it hard to believe and fail to see

Why come back to where it is messed

If the place they go with all is blessed


Angels may come to those in need

Love will bring or plant the seed

Peace of mind will come to those

Who a life of caring and love chose


The devil does linger in all of us  

In thought and action a concubus

Malevolent evil can man bestow

Upon another be it friend or foe


If looking at things in a simple way

Ignore what others may have to say

From within us comes all there may be

With a loving act or a cursed spree


Is there heaven or is there hell

Don’t ask me for I cannot tell

Many will say and stand firm

All that there is they do confirm


Vic 2014

What a load of hogwash

Life is short and a lot of mishap
A little of this and a lot of cr… trap
When all think they have some class
Wish they would shove it up their holly as… pass

Men don’t think their words bring shock
Most have brains in their little co… block
Most of the women are on the hunt
Think men only want their little cu… punt

Politics are annoying and often backwards
Wish someone would shoot the darn bas… buzzards
When what is a birthright becomes a ditch
Who gives them the right the sons of a bi… snitch

As I go through life and boy does it suck
It makes me puke and what the fuc… duck
Children suffer like heck with no open door
Those that do nothing are sons a ruddy wh… for sure

Be it sweet wine or be it vile tasting vinegar
All is made worse by the mother fuc… trucker
Even when to verse I this try to rhyme
Don’t give a sh.. bit, it’s a waste of fuc… trucking time

Vic 2014

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