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Slowly creeping towards the soul

Towering above you, a mile long pole

A menace to all that live and breathe

No joy, no comfort, or future give


Someone who has done and seen it all

The Tajmahal and walked to great wall

Climbed mountains and sailed the seas

Caught the fish and planted the trees


Throughout life it has always been

To do it all and make sure it’s seen

By sail and air, walk the extra mile

Long is the length of the great Nile


But once it’s done and no more enthralls

A lack of interest or don’t have the balls

Gave much to those who were in need

Friendship lost because of selfish greed


Now alone I ponder my dreadful fate

Nothing to excite, so little left to bait

Love has created, sometimes destroyed

Lack of faith within me has employed


What is left is a beast of stealth

Slowly drowning away my health

Left alone does not help my kingdom

Its subjects are no other than boredom


             © Vic 2014




Final thought

I sit here and watch the days go by
As the dogs howl and the felines cry
A heart that seconds away pound
As birds go west to warmer ground

With every second gone awry
Only solitude and a soul that dies
Every instance nothing new brings
Not even the song the bird sings

I turn back to clock to a day of old
I see so much not done, truth be told
What should have been and chances lost
Now I account for the enormous cost

Time spent on foolhardy and futile deed
With emotion wasted that anguish seed
The loss of that which I could not control
Took my strength and precious time stole

When opportunity showed it pretty face
Lack of resolve deprived me of its embrace
Now that I know more than I did then
Too late it is, the knowledge of wise men

I loved with all but it was for naught
A sad concoction which much has taught
Some left me with a big hole inside
While others left me nothing to hide

The time I spent pursuing love
Was best spent giving life a shove
The tears I cried, the pain I felt
Misfortune smiled, a blow was dealt

Too late it is to ponder fate
The more I look the more I hate
Is life what it is or what I created?
When much of it is highly debated

I long for change when there is none
I should have this and that done
All the possibilities now seem lost
It’s too late, the end I know accost

Here I sit in wait of what is certain
Not much to do but lower the curtain
A life filled with a million opportunities
What’s left is six foot under pushing daisies



  © Vic 2014



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