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Distasteful living


Peaceful meadows, serene stream.

Restful slumber brings soothing dreams

A longing need for a calming trend

Possible only at this lifes end


Many a turmoil have I felt

Misery and loneliness always dealt

My rocky road was long and hard

And in essence my soul scared


Try as I may to redeem my fate

All there was, was only hate

Those that thought them tutor be

Did not live in such misery


I look around, the wonders see

A treasure trove I do agree

But in the end what does it convey

Nothing at all in life's sad array


I’ve lived my live the best I could

Most of it was never understood

As days go by with little or no joy

Surrounded by deceitful human ploy


And the wondrous thing called luck

Knows me not while others struck

Why should I bother or even try

It will only change the day I die


Love is what we want or see

A need to have, a need to be

Today with love there is no hope

Love only looks for a silly dope


I am lost and hopelessly floored

But this is something I can’t afford

Disagree you may, don’t give a stuff

I need to rest, I’ve had enough


             Victor © 2014


Years of thought


Being old is no fun I say

Forget I try and keep it at bay

But other don’t, insist they must

To give their wishes, what a bust


Born to this world a lonesome boy

With future set a wretched ploy

Luck was not what fate had imparted

To make it worse, soon after it started


Travel on I did with eyes bolted

Now and again my heart was jolted

Fate was persistent if not proper

And pain would bring a joy stopper


I sit and read the wishes of all

Makes me feel proud and tall

Party gone and achievements call

Pride does come before the fall


Age but a number to most of us

But the senses do not agree thus

Feelings of loss and anguish brought

Has this man a hard lesson taught


All aside I this to all of you wish to say

May those wishes be bestowed on you today

Grateful am for your kind words, and I do

Go on with life in fond thoughts of you 


 Vic © 09.2014


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