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Love story


When first I heard that voice so sweet and tender

To warmth and longing my heart did surrender

As my thoughts would desperately show

That distance became a hurtful foe


As my love for her would grow

She no knowing or interest did show

So as the madness with me grew

I tried to hide a love so true


As time went by in meaningless tale

I tried to stop, only to fail

For no mater how hard I would try

Her tender smile my heart would pry


It was not long that I would find

A love of another her thoughts did bind

So despair within me I found

As loving in vain I was bound


With a slip of the tongue or fate it be

Or weakness, or want of her to see

I declared my love for her that day

And feared that I had driven her away


Her understanding I found was strong

When she told me I nothing did wrong

A warmth I knew, jet no hope did see

For I thought the other man better than me


Thus becoming what I did not like

Giving others hope, knowing pain would strike

Misery I knew, disliking myself I found

No future saw just hell ward bound


I turned a deaf ear to her, and thought

In absence I would not her mind distraught

For many a day I saw her pass by

Ignore her each time I will not lie


Yet deep within me the pain grew

As without her smile I no joy knew

So out of weakness I called one day

Not sure or knowing what to say


The words that came out, I remember not

But what she said I have not forgot

“I may love him I do not deny,

But I love you too, that is no lie”


It stuck me hard, it made me wild

I could not believe, I felt like a child

How could I ever be so blessed?

Her loving voice my heart caressed


As days went by in sweet surrender

I drowned in her loving voice so tender

But deep within me a war did rage

I wanted more, I felt encaged


Knowing the other had her heart

And realizing he was there from the start

I felt it wrong it was not I

Never before did I a possessed heart pry


But no mater how I tried or fought

Love does not die, that much I was taught

So as despair within me grew

She loves him more I thought it true


It came to pass in early spring

As I in distemper harsh words did bring

“Go to him, please let me be

Sharing you heart is not for me”


In tears and heartache I heard her cry

“Please let me speak, calm down, please try”

So I kept quiet, my anger subsided

After all, to put end I had decided


So as I listened to her every words

What came out mad me feel a nerd

I though long and hard, looking deep within

Not wishing to hurt neither you nor him


Love him I did and feel I still do

But stronger is the love I feel for you”

The joy I felt, to hard to describe

Thought no chance had, even lost my pride


But now I saw the chance to again hold

The heart of an angel, a heart of gold

It did not last, the chance to hold

For very long just like a song come to scold


As time goes by and the chance within me dies

Tears role down my face and my heart cries

Unkind is fate, oh how I hate, my heart is cold

Alone I will be for all to see till I grow old


                                     Vic (C) 2005


A Dream

Flying on the wings of a dream
A trip close to you I would deem 
Where I would hold and kiss you
But no more than a dream, that’s true
Desire to behold you and know what I feel
A desire to not want to run for real
Even though only a dream I know
Your arms embraced my soul and show
The clouds, immaculate sheets of linen 
We watched through a window the sea glisten
As the waves exploded in ecstasy
Pure joy through us swept repeatedly 
Like a wind with motion not kept
So the force of our love in bounds leapt
But only a fantasy, only a dream
Because a need to conjure and redeem
A dream and you will stay, no other way
Nothing will happen and far, far away
You will stay, a dream dreamt today

2014 © Vic. Translated from “O Sonho” by Mikά Penha

Care for me


Big it is this heart of mine

It holds inside a love so divine

To warmth and caring it beats on

With loving embrace to every dawn


With a sister that gives me strength

And brothers who will go the length

A mother who loved me with no restraint

A father who mostly has no complaint


I had a soul mate who taught me how

To love, have patience and knowhow

Even though she from me taken

Long the feeling in me would awaken


I would be blessed with children kind

A son now a man and virtues bind

A daughter who gave and gives me life

All this neatly packed without a wife


To complete it all I now have her

To love and cherish and feelings stir

Tries to please and love I see

A state of joy she bring to me


So I am blessed with all I need

Comfort and life within me seed

Without their caring I would be lost

Ending of life would be the cost


Vic © 2014

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