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Thoughts of you.


My beloved, how are you tonight

As you rest you head on a pillow light

Do your thoughts sway to a land east and far?

Do you gaze dreamingly at a bright distant star?


Is your heart filled with a longing desire?

To have something that would never expire

Do your eyes water as you think of the expanse?

 Between us has always been a painful endurance.


Do your dreams take you to a meadow of plenty

Beautiful flowers with the breeze swaying gently?

Do the birds song echo the joy with a heart pure?

Do you run into my arms giving in to love’s cure?


Do you awake and wish the dream would stay?

Do tears flow down that sweet face each day?

Thoughts of the unspeakable and “what ifs”

And the pain of desire blinds your beliefs?


Why do I ask thee my sweet?

What do I want, or am I being discreet?

No, not so, but sometimes do ponder

On how you do feel way down yonder


I fill my days with thought and desires

My nights with dreams where all transpires

Knowing that your heart is pure and true

Being away makes me feel lost and blue


Victor © (all rights reserved)  08/2006

Cosmic blunder


A journey traveled at many a speed

Moments in time by powers decreed

Feeble attempts with blunders galore

Little to note by keepers of score


A journey short in the grander scheme

Almost nonexistent or so would seem

Yet along the way some events occur

Little become all though reasons unsure


Many feel mighty, yet never complete

Even when pointless, a need to compete

Rage and hate when this they fail

Yet go on in pursuit of a holy grail


All seek love and a need to share

Some do nothing and seldom care

Love is not found nor bought yet sold

Comes to consume both young and old


Like most things a traveler thinks his own

The truth comes out like a flower full blown

We do not control or change cosmic destiny

Only play a role, forgotten though eternity


Victor © 2006

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