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New Year


One year gone, a new one approaches

Fond memories from the past encroaches

Though not much the yeah may leave

We hope the future will much retrieve


Ahead we go with a hopeful heart

Not knowing yet expecting allot

A life of glee and a wondrous trend

A road forward with no major bend


A year of joy, a year of peace

A year of plenty may life lease

A year of love from those that matter

A year that will the idiots skater


My wish is simple but very sincere

May your all wishes soon appear

May life be kind and bring you much

And a heartfelt hug with love’s touch



I wish you a joyful 2015


Victor © 2014

My two cents


What do we see when we look around

What do we feel when there is no sound?

What do we do when the sky is grey?

Where do our souls go each and every day?


The size of something, the color of one

The belief of others that is no fun

So much hate we bring so much shame

Deep inside we are irrefutably the same


We are born to this world through misery and pains

Yet there are those who have women in chains

We given life through love and an act divine

Yet disrespect is offered with a glass of wine


In moment of solitude most contemplate

The meaning of life not always great

Yet if we stop for a moment and really feel

Life could be unbearable, allot worse could deal


But because we find ourselves lost and alone

We cling to the belief and for bad are prone

When the sky is cloudy, dark and grey

We allow our feelings into the dark to sway


We live our lives wishing to be there

But where there is could be a lion lair

Grass is greener on the other side it seems

But seldom find or get what is in our dreams


I listen to folks; some have plenty and have not

I hear them say that they wish they had got

Surprisingly enough the difference is none

All wish they had more, things different done


The rich complain about the difficulties there are

And the beggar never seems to get to fill his jar

The lady whines about the excess weight

But overlooks what is there as bait


The blacks try their best to whiten their skin

The whites burn themselves because dark is in

Religion I thought is about right and wrong

But from what I see it’s money all along


Many try their best to do what’s right

But land up getting more than is their plight

We all want peace and to live in harmony

But few refrain from a zealous spree


We talk too much yet say so little

Words come out hurriedly but often brutal

We don’t care or use our stupid skull

This makes us humans so stupid and dull



Vic © 2014

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