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Ask, for thy shall not receive

They say that distance will fondness enrich.
But what the heck are they trying to teach
All I get is a longing pain
As I try my best to smile in vain

I gave my heart to a lady sweet
Who feels that love should be discreet.
So every time I need some comfort
I accept that fact and make no effort

The arms of an angel I wish to see
Wrapped around me for all eternity
Her loving heart if she will give it willingly
I don’t need more than that to he happy

I am a man who does not ask
From anyone’s feelings or even task
I have no right to ask for more
Nothing there may be, to give, for sure

Oh life of a mortal being in disarray
How long will take for this heart to sway
Why can't it see that there is no future day
To get what it wants, or needs along the way.

Promises made a long time ago
To love and this feeling show
Have done that and even more
Its time to end for I am a bore.

Victor 02/2006

Angels of Hubei

In a valley north green with hills
A river winds that farm fulfills
Summer's warmth and winter's chills
No grand structures or city frills

I found myself in a place of learning
Yet what I saw left my heart yearning
Hard work and  painful determination
Leaves those angels little consolation

Through all my life and many travels
I had never seen so many angels
Smiles of radiance the sun would shy
Warmth of heart no money can buy

They may not possess riches as such
What they gave me, more than much
Kindness and care my heart did touch
And miss them I now do so very much

My pen does bring to them my whines
As they write, I read between the lines
I wish I could hold them all close to me
But life is unfair, what is desired can’t be

The joy I got when I was in Hubei
Left me feeling a desire to stay
Those angels I will never forget
Loving them I will never regret

Of all the things I wish I could
All I have is a lonely brood
I ask a lot even though not much
For their success and fortune’s touch

Victor © 05 / 2008

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