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Away from home

No one outside on this cold night
Only me, the silence and the starlight
Returning home when I saw the light
Of my makeshift abode shining bright

Did not hesitate, the wind’s cold bite
And again my mind sways from sight

Being far from my home came the sensation
Of entering a tavern near Lisbon station

Where an old man would approach with a smile
These words he’d say as I sit for a while

“Lets toast this red wine and let me show
The memories it brings where you would be
In the village you left across the sea.

Lets toast again and again until we know
How to sing the song of old filled with glee
As sung by shepherds under the cork tree
And dream of a land we left so long ago”


He’d go on about day so sad
When he left everything dear he had
His wife, and his farm, mom, and dad
To find a future somewhere, still a lad

This nostalgic sensation, it only brought
Pain and the sorrow and reasons why, distort
To go back is my desire but all for naught
Leaving home is not worth it, I was taught

So lets toast this red wine and recall
The land and friends one and all
Lets sing the songs that are sung by those
Who to remain in their country they chose

If I drink to much and loose my way
Bring me home to those I left that day

In Loving thoughts of those I am away from.

  Victor (C) 11.2006

Being me

In being me
I do try to see
The other fellows point

I always go dry
But sometimes I cry
But never smoked a joint


I love my home
I hate to roam
Dames are very needy folk

Think too much
Stress is such
Has given me a stroke

Travelled here and there
Been almost everywhere
Yet nothing seems to inspire


Worked so hard
Dealt many a card
Yet now I must retire

Come rain or shine
And all divine

Am only a simple bloke


All this is me
So now you see
Why some think I’m just a joke


Victor 21 / 12 / 2006

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