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Desperate Confussion

I met this lady at distance great
Too far to hold, and time is a gate
My heart has chosen to love and cherish
If she refuses will I then perish

I ask too much and say even more
My insistent need may show me the door
I wish to tell her so she about me knows
What is enough before she boredom shows

I know inside me lies something strong
Distance and doubt bring me thoughts of wrong
What truth will I find when I in her eyes gaze
The coldness of error or a passionate blaze

Madness this is, hard to believe, for sure
Have lost all reasoning, cant find the cure
How can I even think to hold and possess
What may not be mine, her sweet caress

What will this man do if he gets his desire
Can he control the urge to possess her entire
No wish to harm her, a desire to respect
Mistakes could bring pain and deadly regret


Victor © (all rights reserved 08/2006

Promise me


Took me a thousand life times to find a soul like yours

Soul of light so pure it takes my breath away

I’ve run a thousand painful miles,

Learned many things and love in its array


Climbed a thousand mountains

Swam to a thousand rocky shores

So no matter what you say,

Not letting you run through the door


So kiss me with your eyes;

Marry me with your heart

Love me with your spirit

But promise we’ll never part


Promise me you’ll find it in yourself

To cherish me the same way

Promises me your purest love

So I may live forever and a day


Promise me your heart

And promise me your soul

Promise me to never to leave me

And make me forever whole


Vic © 12/2014

Easter Now

Easter now and Easter then
Years gone by, two hundred by ten
Things were different so we are told
In a book of truths so very old

A man was born to die that day
Tortured and belittled on his way
To die for all was His destiny
On a lonely hill called Calvary

On a wooden cross he was hung
While tears his mother’s eyes stung
Mercy He was not shown on that day
Mercy for sinners is here to stay

To give us hope. to give us life
To lead all sinners away from strife
Bring to those with little or no chance
Renewed hope, glorious circumstance

Easter now as it was back then
Our sins are absolved one or ten
Believe in Him do not let it cease
Easterpast brings everlasting peace

Vic © 03/2008

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