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Fools quest

This lonely heart, why does it beat,
With words and tune so bitter-sweet
Why be blind to pain and feeling rotten
Allowed too long what should be forgotten

A heart that battled a raging storm
Winds of deceit were always a norm
As calm winds blew not far to the west
Why not turn around and take the test

Moments of comfort were short and few
With so seldom a smile of getting one’s due
Why is it so hard to see or understand?
There was no paradise in the foreign land.

A song is sung by an angel out west
Trying so hard to penetrate my chest
Why don’t I listen if only for a while?
May bring comfort and my heart a smile

Words of sweet love come through to me
Cool summers breeze from across the see
Do I surrender and let the feeling bloom
Or succumb to failure and pending doom

This feeling that lies within my soul
Once desired warmth, now an empty hole
As nostalgia shows what the past has brought
A lot of wisdom from a hard lesson taught

When giving up or chance denying
Where distance may stop me even trying
And what has life given me thus far
Mostly discomfort and a feeling bazaar

I tier of pain, know too well the fear
Allowing another close, so soon, so near
But should I just wither away and die
Or go on believing, give love another try

So another day and another mile
Again to trust will take a while
If there is something I wish be told
Fools go on hoping ‘till they grow old

Victor © 05/2008

Eternal Valentine

It was long ago or so they say
That St Valentine a letter did send.
To a loved one while in jail one day
Just before his life was brought to an end.

A sad tale, oh yes, so sad
Be it true or be it not
To die for love is so bad
But he will never be forgot

To this day we rejoice an occasion
With gifts of love and tender passion
We play the game of enchanted lovers
In hope of getting much more than others

With flowers and candy
And whatever seems handy
With words of passion and in humorous fashion
The trend is vast and is here to last
Because love is grand, enduring and unsurpassed.


I have no treasure or such to give
That would show the love I feel
For her that made me in life believe
And my aching heart did heal

The only gift I would ever need
Is not jewels or a gallant steed.
But a heart pure that time would endure
And the look on her face of love decreed.

Vic © all rights reserved 01/2007

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