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Darkness falls


The night so solitaire yet kindly brings,

Comforting rest to a body so tired.

But holding within it is a heart that sings

A sad song of pain by loss inspired.


The beauty of spring is at the door

Renewed life to the world it will bring

But for he who no longer of anything is sure

Is now deaf to the music the birds sing.


Many seasons have passed him by.

Some joyfully warm others cold and hurtful.

He recalls the warmth and stay there does try,

But the memories lead to another time so painful.


He lays his weary head down and cries,

For this he has done a million times before

And with the warmth of his breath, the pillow dries,

Thus his misery is to everyone else is no more.


The night is dark and so is his plight.

Both sharing in a common trait.

A painful darkness, no end in sight,

If the light arrives will it be too late?


What dreams this man who sees no spring?

What nightmares awake his restless slumber?

For as his dreams comfort would bring,

The nightmares, cruel, too many in number


Arise he will if fate allows another day

To play the game, the stakes are high.

But whatever cards of life he holds to play,

The dealer be damned, defeat he will deny.


Victor © 2008/2/6 (all rights reserved)


Young and alone

Small I am not yet a man
And a drum I be in others band
Why do they hit me for what I ask
I do all the say I do my task

No friends like me, don’t know why
My parents don’t let me and I am shy
But I feel alone and wish to be
Someone’s friend so a smile I see

I go to school and they give me pain
I come home and they hit me again
It is not my fault they don’t like me
But they think I do it, they do not see

I wish I could go far, far away
Where no one knows were I am or stay
There I would make a friend for sure
The best friend to me, Mother Nature.

But I am too young to do anything
They tell me I am stupid and again pain bring
Maybe I do not know too much about all
But I know how I feel, I feel so small.

Victor ©

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